For design work or ceramic commisions:

Willkommen. You should probably know I actually go by Savita but that name came along later in life. I was born in Germany with the name Meike and I was Meike when I spent my early days carefully coloring the squares within the grid of my math book. I believe that the desire to create is what makes one an artist, nothing else. I’ve always created in many mediums - graphics, cooking, and ceramics being the main ones, but you could also include hairdressing, window display and event design in there too. It never made sense that I had to choose just one so here’s a space that will some day show many forms of art but for now just graphics and ceramics.

Some life facts:

My father (German) met my mother (South African) in Zambia. After she got pregnant they moved to a small town in Germany. I’m pretty sure we were the only mixed family at the time. 

We moved to England when I was five but, more interestingly, my parents got involved in an Ashram and four years later we moved to the main one in India. I continued living there and the one in Upstate NY until I moved out during college. I’m no longer affiliated. Lots more to unpack there.

I moved to LA with my husband in 2007. I particularly love all the writers, comedians and food here. I’m not sure I’d survive in a place with limited food options.

If you have a FasTrak, there’s a ramp that goes from the 105 to the 110 with the most incredible nightime view of LA. I fall in love with the city every time I’m on it. 

I’ve watched Battlestar Galactica two times, The West Wing at least three times, and only recently watched Seinfeld for the first time.  

I used to cook at Hampton Chutney Co. in NYC. It was an open kitchen so we had code names for if a celebrity or a hot person walked in so we could all look up and not miss it.  

I met my husband there. He was a customer and kept coming back. I fell in love with him before our first date when he recorded the final episode of The X-Files for me while I was at work. He brought it in on a VHS tape the next day. 

We have two boys, Asa and Eno (yes, like Brian Eno).

Thursday Dec 1 2022